About Captain Craig
My name is Captain Craig Hensel. I am the owner of AWOL Fishing Charters with Captain Craig Inc. My Journey started when I was 5 years old, my father and grandfather introduced me to the most amazing sport in the entire world. Fishing!!! My grandfather took my dad and me fishing on Lake Hamilton in Hot Springs, AR on his Hydra-Sports boat. The boat was so fast and at 5 years old I felt like I was on a rocket ship. When we stopped at our first fishing spot, I remember my dad rigging a purple and pearl rubber worm on a small hook and showed me how to cast it. "My first cast" my dad made was against a bank that had rocks everywhere. It was no longer than 2 seconds it seemed that I saw the line twitch. Dad pulled back on the rod and handed it to me. "REEL HIM IN", he said. As he's helping me bring the fish in, its splashing and jumping all over the surface. I'm on top of the world!! The fish comes up beside the boat and its the biggest fish I've ever seen. Before dad could reach down to grab it, there was one more splash and the line breaks. He's gone. I looked at my dad and was highly upset and a bit confused. Dad said, "Well, we will never see that fish again." I wanted that fish soooo bad!! Now I'm mad. I thought to myself are you kidding me. I think from that day forward I got my determination to fish the way I do. Dad made it look so easy and I knew I wanted to be as good as him and a tad bit better. I am sure that is where my competitiveness came from too. So for the last 32 years, I have spent countless hours on the water learning how to catch different species of fish. I've kept a written log of trip after trip on weather patterns, wind directions, moon phases, barometric pressures, time of day, just to name a few. I have gone back year after year and looked at my recorded data on days I am fishing or days leading up to a fishing trip. I have learned how to pattern fish through changing of seasons and weather patterns. To this day, I am still learning on every trip. By doing this, it has made it a little easier to put you as a customer on fish. We will have even more help along the way with the use of state of the art Garmin electronics. As your Captain, my goal is having a fun, safe trip first and foremost. Second is putting you on a fish of a lifetime. Third is making sure you leave with a smile and a memory to pass on. So check out what package fits you or your group the best. Call anytime to talk fishing or to ask questions about rates. Again thank you for stopping by and checking us out. Lets get on the water!
Fishing Charter Boat Owner and Captain/Professional Angler
United States Merchant Mariner
US Coast Guard Licensed Master Captain. Federally Licensed to operate uninspected and inspected vessels and her Crew aboard vessels built in accordance with Rigid USCG Commercial Vessel Inspection standards on Inland and Coastal Waters up to 200 miles off the US Coast. Also Licensed to operate on the Great Lakes and Western Rivers of the US.
Former United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Member. Flotilla 10-5
TWIC (Transportation Worker Identification Card) Holder
CPR, First Aid, AED Cert. Emergency Medical Care Trained
NC State Certified Firefighter Level 1 & 2, NC State Certified Level 1 Hazmat
FEMA NIMS IS-700A and IS-800B
Cajun Navy Relief Volunteer. Performed many water rescues by boat in several major hurricanes to include, Laura and Delta in Louisiana 2020, Mathew in 2016 and Florence in 2018 in NC.
Commercial Charter Boat Insurance (Commercially Insured)
30+ Years Fishing/Boating Experience
5 Years combined experience as a First Mate at Sea on a Sportfishing Vessel
Public Speaking and Public Relations Specialist Trained
NC State Licensed Guide
Boaters Safety Certified
Boater Safety Instructor and Boat Safety Inspector Trained
Life Boat Safety Captain For Federal, State, Local Contractors inspecting bridges over navigable waterways
Life Boat Safety Captain for water sporting events. White Lake NC Triathlon
Fresh and Saltwater Tournament Angler Exp. Bass/Catfish/King Mackerel/Flounder/Redfish/Blue Marlin/Dolphin(Mahi-Mahi)
Writer/Columnist for The Coastal Angler and The Angler Magazine
St. Jude Fishing to Fight Cancer Partner
Deep Creek Lures Fishing Team Angler/Prostaff/Affiliate
Academy Sports and Outdoors Partner/Affiliate
Deep Creek Outfitters Pro Staff/Affiliate
Striper X Rods Pro Staff/Affiliate
4REEL Fishing Partner/Affiliate
Catch the Fever Rods Partner/Prostaff/Affiliate
A.K. McCallum Co. Partner